App Version Update
Last updated
Last updated
Functional Description: Used for the release of the app. Due to differences in the requirements of Android and iOS app markets, the steps for releasing installation packages are slightly different. For Android installation package release, it can be directly published, while the release of iOS installation packages requires attention to the following points:
iOS App Store channel does not recommend forced upgrades.
iOS App Store backend review takes time, so when operating the release in the backend, it needs to be confirmed that the App Store has been reviewed and the updated installation package can be seen inside the App Store. Otherwise, users may find that the installation package is the old one when trying to upgrade from within the app.
iOS IPA installation packages can only be released after uploading the updated signed files from the local environment.
For iOS, the channel number needs to be embedded during packaging. The corresponding channel number is prompted during the release update. Otherwise, there may be issues recognizing the installation package to be updated.
Backend Path: Common Configuration - APP Management - APP Version Update
If the multi-site function is enabled, the page will display different site configurations at the top, and different sites will have separate configurations for update information. If the multi-site function is not enabled, the top tabs will not be displayed.
Query Section:
Package Type: Can filter All, IOS-APP Store, IOS-TestFlight, Android-Google Play, Android-apk, iOS-IPA (supports single selection only).
Status: Can filter All, Pending Release, Published (supports single selection only).
Time: Select start and end time.
Query: Click to filter release information based on the specified conditions.
Reset: Click to clear selected filter conditions.
Add: Click to proceed with [Release Settings].
Release Settings:
Package Type: Required. When selecting IOS-APP Store, IOS-TestFlight, or iOS-IPA, corresponding prompts are provided below:
For IOS-APP Store: Please confirm that the installation package's channelId is 0 in the APP Store download link.
For IOS-TestFlight: Please confirm that the installation package's channelId is 1 in the TestFlight download link.
For iOS-IPA: Please confirm that the installation package's channelId is 9 in the iOS IPA download link.
Force Update: Required, supports single selection only.
Version Number: Required, limited to a maximum of 10 characters.
Build ID: Automatically populated with the latest published Build ID+1 for the current site and channel. Editable and supports up to 10 numeric characters.
Download Link: Required and editable. Defaults to the corresponding download link configured in [Public Management - Website Configuration - Public Configuration - Download Page Configuration] for IOS-APP Store, IOS-TestFlight, Android-Google Play, and iOS-IPA. For Android-apk, it does not default to any link.
Multi-Language Configuration: Required, displays languages that are currently enabled in [Public Configuration - User-Side Multilingual Configuration - APP]. Each language must be saved separately, and omission is not allowed.
Upgrade Title: Required, up to 100 characters.
Upgrade Content: Required, up to 300 characters.
Note: Optional, up to 300 characters, with character count displayed. Note that internal explanatory content is displayed as entered and does not switch based on multilingual settings.
Save, Cancel.
Note: After an upgrade release, clicking Edit will allow editing of content other than [Package Type, Build ID], which cannot be edited. After clicking Save, the content is automatically updated.