Balance Sheet
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This table summarizes the snapshots of assets, liabilities and equities of a coin in the exchange within a period (minimum unit: day), as shown in the figure below. Among them, the assets of the digital currency exchange are the real assets of the exchange on the blockchain; the liabilities and equities are all the liabilities and equities of the digital currency exchange.
Liabilities: belongs to users' assets in exchange. Tha amin resources: users' deposite, buy in OTC, merchants give tokens.
Owners' equity: merchants' assets in exchange, include profit account and loss account. Equity account mainly included admin deposit account. profit and loss account are the operating and income account in exchange, mainly include: account for giving tokens, account for income of transaction fee.
Situation of fund flow-in can be checked through the difference between beginning asset and end asset.
Take BTC as an example:
Regular script execution is performed at 0:00 every night to query all relevant data and save them to the database.
Total BTC assets = cold e-wallet balance + hot e-wallet balance
Cold e-wallet balance: The exchange will have one or more cold e-wallet addresses to query the asset balance by the blockchain explorer and calculate the sum.
Hot e-wallet balance: Snapshot of hot e-wallet balance, which is directly read from the table. Each time the hot e-wallet balance changes, the e-wallet will notify. The database will record a piece of data, including the direction of account change (transfer in or out), amount incurred, and current balance.
Liabilities + equity = BTCs payable to users = BTCs available to users + BTCs frozen of users + BTCs in user withdrawal + BTCs for transaction fee + BTCs for cash withdrawal fee + BTCs for blockchain fee + BTCs for administrator recharging + BTCs available to OTC users + BTCs frozen of OTC users + BTCs for OTC transaction fee
BTCs available to users: Total amount of BTCs in the available accounts of all users of the exchange
BTCs frozen by users: Total amount of BTCs in the frozen accounts of all users of the exchange
BTCs in user withdrawal: Total amount of BTCs during cash withdraw by all users of the exchange
BTCs for transaction fee: Total amount of BTCs used for the blockchain fee against trading pairs in the exchange
BTCs for cash withdrawal fee: Total amount of BTCs for cash withdrawal fee of all users of the exchange
BTCs for blockchain fee: Total amount of BTCs for all the blockchain fee spent by the exchange, and the value is negative
BTCs available to OTC users: Total amount of BTCs in the available accounts of all OTC users in the exchange
BTCs frozen of OTC users: Total amount of BTCs in the frozen accounts of all OTC users in the exchange
BTCs for OTC transaction fee: Total amount of BTCs for transaction fee of the exchange
BTCs for administrator recharging: Sum of BTCs for external recharging